Process Development

Process development areas

Process development includes both process modeling, and process improvement and measurement. Process modeling produces process descriptions depicting either current or target state. Current state descriptions help to understand the current ways of working and how different functions and tasks work together. Target state descriptions, on the other hand, work as a plan for creating and implementing new ways of working.

Process improvement consists of different techniques for locating problem areas and improving customer orientation. These methods include Lean Six Sigma, for example. A process can be improved in many ways without having its precise description – understanding of the process will suffice.

Process development has to be aligned as a part of organizational development. For example, processes constitute one of the enterprise architecture domains. There also is a risk that silos are formed within process development; suddenly it may be noticed that the organization has three distinct sets of processes: IT processes, Lean processes and ARIS processes (ARIS is one of the tools used in process modeling). We know the different process development methods and will help you achieve a state where you have only one set of processes that are nonetheless continuously improved.

Processes can well be measured manually. Even a small amount of gathered and analyzed data is eye-opening. However, long-term process performance monitoring is better supported with proper systems support. For this, multiple solutions exist and we will gladly help you in the required preliminary study and in choosing the solution. See our IT architecture services for more information.


Process development should not be overly consultant-led. The best way is that the process owners are in charge of development, whereas the involvement of those working according to the process is necessary in process improvement. Even small ideas can be utilized to significantly reduce errors and remove bottlenecks.

Process development should be projected, at least partly. Otherwise, the work may remain as nothing more than good intent, surpassed by other work pressures. As part of implementation, training for the participants is needed in both process thinking and possible modeling tools.

Our consultants have participated in implementations in organizations of very different types and sizes. We have supported both the initialization phase and further development.

Methods and tools

We have been designing and instructing process modeling with different organizations. It is a common practice to choose a standard as a basis for the process modeling notation, BPMN2 being a popular one. BPMN2 is such an extensive standard that it’s better to choose the subset to be followed at the same time. Especially for modelers working in business it is sufficient to use only a few symbols.

We also know the process modeling tools (e.g. ARIS and QPR) and can help you in choosing one, and in training your modelers for its use. In addition to the tool, other guidelines are necessary; for example, considering the reader it must be decided whether the processes are modeled vertically or horizontally. Tinkering with methods and tools does not need to be among the core competences of your organization. We can help you with them so you can concentrate on the most relevant matter – process improvement.

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